Our belief is that as people choose to serve, the impact of that service will change lives—for those serving, for the people they serve, and even for those who see them giving their time to help someone else.
It takes many volunteers to have thriving ministries at Orchard Beach. Are you willing to help? Our needs are as diverse as the people who attend our services. Your involvement matters because your service does make a difference. Many of the service opportunities, where we need your help, are listed below.
“All of you together are the one body of Christ and each of you is a separate and necessary part of it.” I Cor. 12:27 (LB)
At Orchard Beach, we believe prayer is the pursuit of all our possibilities. Prayer is the power to change lives. To touch the heart of God and to pursue all God has for us, we must be in prayer. A great way to lift up, support, and encourage one another is through committed prayer and care for one another. This team stops everything to pray for people privately and with people publicly.
Prayer Partners (get Face book updates on prayer needs)
Women’s prayer meetings
Sunday prayer meeting (9:58am in toddler room)
Making a great first-impression is important. People have been praying for and inviting others to come. When they do come, we want to provide the most warm and friendly welcome possible. Many people determine whether to return based on the first 15 minutes of their visit. This team treats people better than they expect to be treated. .
Greeters & Special Day Sign Greeters
Beach Café
Welcome Desk
We're committed to reaching out & making disciples of all nations. We give and serve and send to meet needs and share Jesus in our community and around the world. We are not just a church in our community but FOR our community. This team has a blast giving things away.
Community Serve Team
Easter events (candy giveaway)
Short-term missions trips
Light the Night (Halloween giveaway)
Our desire is to provide a Sunday morning worship experience unchurched people love to attend. From the music, media, speaking, singing, etc, we want it to be an environment teens & adults want to invite their friends to. This team creates an environment nonchurched people are attracted to, believers are engaged in, and all are encouraged to take a next step.
Church online/social media
Video editing
We love to partner with parents to provide a fun & powerful church experience for their children. Children from birth through 6th grade learn to follow Jesus in large group and small group environments. This team REACHES students far from God and TEACHES them how to follow Jesus - step by step. .
Kids Church
Wed. CHAMPS (group activity leader)
Life Groups childcare (paid)
Childcare for special events
Sports activity leader
The teenage years are critical years for faith investigation and growth. Teenagers from 6th-12th grade experience being known, loved, and wanted. This team REACHES students far from God and TEACHES them how to follow Jesus - step by step. .
Sunday Fusion (6th-8th)
Wed. Team
Worship service
Teen Life Groups
Beach Café
Event help
Beach Parties
We want to be a church that practically helps people discover and take their next steps in following Jesus. In order to be that kind of church, we need the help of people who share our passion for leading people into a growing relationship with Jesus Christ. This team helps others pursue baptism, a ministry team, a Life Group, etc.
This team inspires and equips people to take their next step.
Connect Card follow-up
Beach Basics class teachers
Administrative Assistant
Small groups are the place we want everyone, young & older, to end up in. This is the place where people can have fun, make friendships, ask important questions, and do life together. In many ways, our Life Groups are the church! This team provides the best environment for life-change.
Adult Life Groups
Teens Life Groups
Providing food helps to welcome newcomers, comfort the grieving, help the healing, and offer times of connection, friendship, and fellowship. There is something intimate about food and eating together—adding relational health and strength to the church family. This team shows up with food to lift up the mood.
Beach Café
Meals on Wheels
Funeral dinners
Church events
Wed. Concession Stand
Table/chair set up/tear down
Visiting, calling and sending cards helps us to keep in touch, show love and care, and follow up with the sick, absentees & newcomers. These are tremendous ways to show the love of God—and to be there when people need us most. This team delivers love.
Sending cards
Providing transportation is a tremendous blessing to a person without a vehicle or a child without someone to bring them. This team helps to ensure that those who want to come to church have a way to get to church. This team transports students from their house to God's house.
Van driver
Van chaperone/rider
Vehicle maintenance
Each week, we are expecting guests. We want to provide a great welcome and a good first impression by keeping our building and grounds in good shape. We want to ensure all get a safe visit and what gets broken, or worn out, gets fixed or replaced. This team restores to welcome others to the Lord.
Snow shoveling
Table/Chair set up/tear down
Protecting our church family is a priority. Safety Team members monitor our doorways and hallways during services, coordinate first aid efforts, and partner with student ministries in handling potentially difficult situations. This team protects and serves..
Safety team member
Moms live very busy lives! Young children need a lot of love and constant supervision. We want to help provide encouragement, fun, support, and resources to help moms be the best they can be. This team makes life better and makes moms better at life.
MOMCO workers
Mom mentors
Childcare help
Everyone has a hurt, habit, or hang-up - This ministry is a 16 step recovery ministry similar to AA but more Christ-centered. Everyone is recovering from something. This team makes life better and makes people better at life. .
Men's mentor
Women's mentor
Lovely Willows (Women In Loss Loving Other Willows Steadfastly), is a gathering of wonderful women supporting each other. We believe in the simple but revolutionary idea that remarkable things happen when widows come together, face to face, with others who have similar life experiences. This is a joyful, fun, group of women who eat, share, study, laugh, play, and pray together.. This team makes life better and makes widows better at life. .
Coach helpers
Meal prep
Celebrate this season of life! This is the time to hone your purpose and truly enjoy the richness and fullness of your life in Christ. Our goal is to affirm and strengthen you with Life Groups, lunch gatherings, and exciting events where you can connect with others and have fun!. This team makes life better and makes seniors better at life. .
Senior lunches
Senior events
There are an endless number of ways you can serve and be part of building God’s kingdom. Our goal is to help everyone find an area where they feel fruitful and fulfilled. Often these areas are where you see a need and know God can use YOU to meet that need.
Office help
Website tech
Sports coach
Event helper
Social Media
Drama coach
Fun event coordinator