
Sunday 10:30 AM cASUAL Service

 November 09, 2023

 9:00 AM

 325 University Dr, Hershey, PA 17033

All ladies are invited and encouraged to attend.  This is an awesome opportunity to experience God in a new way.   You will be refreshed during the moments of the worship, and you will be challenged as the Word of God is shared by women for women. It is a meaningful, refreshing, fun-filled time away with friends.   We will leave Thursday, Nov. 9th & return Sat. Nov. 11th.  Registration is $75 (extra cost if you would like a t-shirt and to attend the workshops).   Hotel cost:  $400 + tax per room (per person cost depends on # of people in your room – you are responsible to submit your room list to CaroLynn by Sunday, Aug. 27th.  

You must register yourself online at:


Click "Join a Group"

Select the group: Orchard Beach Assembly

Enter the passcode: Fashioned2023