Men's Breakfast


Sunday 10:30 AM cASUAL Service

 February 24, 2024

 9:00 AM - 11:00 AM

 2025 Orchard Beach Rd. North East, PA 16428

Orchard Beach Men's Group will be putting on a breakfast open to all men.  Join us for a delicious breakfast, fellowship, and special speaker.  Mark Bradley Morrow is a local author, speaker, counselor and comedian.  He will be sharing a little about his story and the topic "You're only as sick as your secrets.  One Man's Triumph Over Hidden Shame".  Mark will have copies of his book "The Greatest Pretender" available.  

All the men in the church are invited and encouraged to bring a friend.  

Need to know approximate number attending.  Questions? or to sign up, see Ed Heinrich, or call 814-725-3435, or click here.