August 09, 2025
7:00 AM - 11:55 PM
El Salvadore
Trip Overview: Construction & children’s ministry
We are partnering with missionaries Don and Terri Triplett to help complete the Marriage and Family Counseling Center that is located at the Kings Castle Ministry campus and do kids ministry. The trip is for adults and teens (13 and older). A parent must accompany anyone under 16.
TRIP COST APPROX: (we will help you with fundraising and sponsor letters)
$1040 per person. GROUND COSTS ONLY. This includes all lodging, meals and transportation upon arrival in El Salvador, AGWM travel insurance, sight-seeing excursion, t-shirt and hat. **The trip cost EXCLUDES AIRFARE and any airline fees (estimate $800-$1000). Trip cost will be updated once plane tickets are confirmed.
April 19 $200 non-refundable deposit with registration
May 17 $440
June 14 $400 *Application packets at Welcome Desk